Forensic Assessment

Forensic services available through the clinic involve assessment services for adolescents (i.e., juvenile delinquent/family court cases) and adults (i.e., criminal court and immigration court cases). For juvenile cases, the clinic can provide general mental health and risk/needs assessments to inform disposition planning. This can include specialized risk/needs assessment related to problem sexual behavior for adolescents adjudicated on sexual offenses. For criminal court cases, the clinic can provide general mental health and risk assessments (e.g., violence risk assessments, risk assessments to inform level of risk for future criminal behavior, and sexual violence risk assessments). Other types of forensic assessment services may also be available provided faculty have sufficient expertise to supervise the case.

To make a referral for a forensic assessment, please contact us. Faculty supervisors will respond to either phone or email queries via follow-up phone call to discuss the referral and determine appropriateness for the training clinic, time frame to complete the evaluation and process of generating a report.

Note that our forensic services are not restricted to residents of The Bronx.

Consistent with the training mission of the clinic, a flat fee of $500.00 will be charged for all forensic assessments.